Τρίτη 21 Φεβρουαρίου 2012

Those nights...

Having a list of the best and the worse nights of your life,is just so vitally important..for many reasons.
I guess the best are with people we like.And the opposite.
Nights we laughed.Nights we cried.

However,it's a bit funny,I mean one of the worse nights I had, was the one I splited up with the boy I was  so bad in love with.
So I remember the same day hanging out with my best friend..That night I cried so much,so she took a photo of me..crying..-full of tears and..nevermind!-Well,actually now,when I see this picture..I just laugh,and feel sorry for all those wasted tears.BUT the funnies is that..now,I can say that an other worse night was our very first date with that guy..like worse date ever.

That's the the hilarious of thinking your worse nights..They are not that bad finally..they were just..not good enough!
Although..I didn't mention the best nights yet!
One of them is a night I hanged out with my best freind-again-.
It was a quiet night,No boys,no parents,no worries..
We walked,we ate we laughed..We were our selves.That's a night I want to remember.
Also an other night which  was actually recently, where me and my girlfiends had a girl-night at the movies.
And then we went for a walk..when it started raining and we were just shouting and laughing like a  bounch of retarded friends.
I wouldn't change that night either.


There aren't worse and best nights.

There are good and best nights!

Have fun my dears..
enjoy your nights!:*

4 σχόλια:

  1. That's such a sweet post!!
    I really liked it and while I was reading it I was trying to think of good and bad nights myself...But you are right because most of the time even something bad has something good in it...:)
    So,I'm still ready for the best ones..;)
    Kisses darling...<3

  2. that's soooo true!
    you can't just seperate your memories.the only thing you'll manage is to cry or laugh-again.I guess Ι give too much attention to those little insignificant memories,that when I'm really shit,it makes me feel evem more shit than I already am!
    it hurts to love a boy so BADLY and he doesn't even have an idea of your feelings!
    he just thinks you're his best friend..but what happens when you can't stand hiding behind an empty face?damn,sometimes I wish I didn't feel at all.pff,nevermind,I agree with you,there are only good and bad nights!Besides,the only thing that we will have in the end,is just a box of memories!

    *love your blog,it's amazing!
    have a nice afternoon,my dear:D

    1. Exactly,I know very well those feelings..But I guess I am not the only one who feels like that!:S
      I am sooooo happy you like it!:D
      You too honey:)
